Every single time I go to the supermarket, I try to find the best product in order to complete my best health diet. The reality is very different and quite complicated for a person like me who loves eating as fresh and natural as possible. I do not like cow's milk and that means drinking processed milk such as almond, oat or soya milk which contains in most of the cases 2% of the real thing... + sugar + antioxidants + unnatural hidden ingredients.
After reading and doing my own research, having incredible conversations with Top professionals and experiencing my own body reactions I have to say milk is more unhealthy than Medical Doctors advice. That is why I have decided to do my own Cashew Nuts Milk providing myself the best products I can get.
It is very simple, fresh and tasteful! And something that surprised me the most is that when you buy almond milk, oat milk or whatever it is coming from nuts or seeds you can keep it in the fridge up to 1 week! On the contrary, if you do your own thing it will last precisely 3 days in your fridge. Think about why...
Among other nutrients, Cashew Nuts are full of Copper and Magnesium. Copper is really good for antioxidant defences, energy production, bones and blood vessels. Copper plays a role in a wide range of physiological processes including iron utilization, elimination of free radicals, development of bone and connective tissue and the production of the skin and hair pigment called melanin. Everybody knows Calcium is very important for the development and life of the bones but Magnesium is also vital for healthy bones. Insufficient magnesium can thus contribute to high blood pressure, muscle spasms and migraine headaches. ( Importance of Magnesium in different post).
Cashew Nuts Milk:
- 1 cup full of organic and not roasted cashew nuts (very important due to the fact that many cashew nuts contain gluten traces)
- 3 - 4 cups of mineral water ( depending on how concentrated you prefer it)
- Manuka Honey (1 teespoon) Just note that cashew nuts milk has a natural sweet taste.
- Salt : 1/2 teespoon
- Use a powerful blender. I love Thermomix
Add the cashew nuts in the water with the honey and the bunch of salt and blend it up to 1 min. I like the final feeling and taste of it as it will keep a thick mashed cream at the bottom which you can remove with a strainer.
Et voila now you will be able to impress your family and friends with a delicious porridge or muesli with fruits soaked in a fresh and organic cashew nuts milk!!
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